In this tutorial, we will look into how we can utilise events to perform validation at repository level.

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It is common that we implement validation at a service layer (@Service). For example, we want to ensure that a username is unique. The common practice is to perform the validation in a service layer before calling our repository method, such as While this work, it breaks the principle of single responsibility by the method.

The service method is called save(). But, it performs a validation which is not part of its name. Alternatively, we may create a method saveIfUsernameAvailable. We will ended up with a long method name and worse if we have several validations.

In this tutorial we will implement the validation at repository level while following single responsibility principle.

Entity and Repository Classes

We will start by implementing User and UserRepository classes:

@Table(name = "users")
class User {

    private Long id;
    private String username;

    protected User() {

    public User(String username) {
        this.username = username;

    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

    boolean existsByUsername(String username);


The method existsByUsername will be used to perform validation against newly created User account.

Event Classes

We will create a custom ApplicationEvent class, UserBeforeSaveEvent, that will be triggered before is executed.

class UserBeforeSaveEvent extends ApplicationEvent {

    public UserBeforeSaveEvent(User source) {

    public User getSource() {
        return (User) super.getSource();


Next is to implement an event publisher class that will be responsible to publish UserBeforeSaveEvent prior to saving the User into the database.

class UserEventPublisher {

    private final ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;

    UserEventPublisher(ApplicationEventPublisher publisher) {
        this.publisher = publisher;

    public void beforeSave(User user) {
        publisher.publishEvent(new UserBeforeSaveEvent(user));


The method beforeSave is marked with PrePersist which is our way of telling JPA to trigger this method before persisting the Entity into the database. We will also need to update our User class so that JPA is aware about UserEventPublisher. We can do this by using @EntityListeners.

@Table(name = "users")
class User {

    // remove for brevity


Validator Class

User.username unique validation will be implemented in UserValidation. This will be done by utilising @EventListener that will be observing UserBeforeSaveEvent.

class UserValidation {

    private final UserRepository repository;

    UserValidation(UserRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

    void usernameIsUnique(UserBeforeSaveEvent event) {
        var usernameExisted = repository.existsByUsername(event.getSource().getUsername());

        if (usernameExisted) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Username is already taken");



Verify the Implementation

We will verify our implementation through @DataJpaTest, which does not require the whole application to run. Instead, only relevant classes will be used. Our intention is to ensure that the username rashidi.zin is unique. Therefore, if a new User being created with the same username, an error that reads Username is already taken will be thrown.

@DataJpaTest(properties = "spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop", includeFilters = @Filter(type = ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = { UserEventPublisher.class, UserValidation.class }))
class UserRepositoryTests {

    private static final PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgresql = new PostgreSQLContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("postgres:latest"));

    private TestEntityManager em;

    private UserRepository repository;

    @DisplayName("Given username rashidi.zin is exist When I create a new user with username rashidi.zin Then error with a message Username is already taken will be thrown")
    void saveWithExistingUsername() {
        em.persistAndFlush(new User("rashidi.zin"));

        assertThatThrownBy(() -> User("rashidi.zin")))
                .hasMessageContaining("Username is already taken");


Once done, execute the test in UserRepositoryTests to ensure our implementation is working as expected. The full implementation can be found in Github.