Skip processing specific data through business logic in Spring Batch.

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Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing – execution of a series of jobs. A job is composed of a series of steps. Each step consists of a reader, a processor, and a writer. The reader reads data from a data source, the processor processes the data, and the writer writes the processed data to a data source.

There are scenarios where we want to skip processing specific data through business logic. For example, in this guide, we want to skip data where username are either Elwyn.Skiles or Maxime_Nienow. We will look into two approaches; one by returning null and another by throwing RuntimeException. Both approaches will be implemented in the same ItemProcessor.

Our application will process data from users.json file and write the processed data into MySQL database. Content of users.json is taken from JSONPlaceholder.

Implement Logics to Skip Data

Returning null

First approach is to return null from ItemProcessor implementation. This approach is straight forward and does not require additional configuration.

class UserJobConfiguration {

    private ItemProcessor<UserFile, User> processor() {
        return item -> switch (item.username()) {
            case "Elwyn.Skiles" -> null;


With that, when the Job detected that the ItemProcessor returns null, it will skip the data and continue to the next.

Throwing RuntimeException

Second approach is to throw RuntimeException from ItemProcessor implementation. This approach requires additional configuration to be done when defining Step.

Implementation in ItemProcessor is as follows:

class UserJobConfiguration {

    private ItemProcessor<UserFile, User> processor() {
        return item -> switch (item.username()) {
            case "Maxime_Nienow" -> throw new UsernameNotAllowedException(item.username());

    static class UsernameNotAllowedException extends RuntimeException {

        public UsernameNotAllowedException(String username) {
            super("Username " + username + " is not allowed");


Next is to inform Step to skip UsernameNotAllowedException:

class UserJobConfiguration {

    private Step step(JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager, DataSource dataSource) {
        return new StepBuilder("userStep", jobRepository)
                .<UserFile, User>chunk(10, transactionManager)


With that, when the Job detected that the ItemProcessor throws UsernameNotAllowedException, it will skip the data. Full definition of the Job can be found in


We will implement integration tests to verify that our implementation is working as intended whereby Elwyn.Skiles and Maxime_Nienow are skipped thus will not be available in the database.

        scripts = {
        statements = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, name text, username text)"
class UserBatchJobTests {

    private final static MySQLContainer<?> MYSQL_CONTAINER = new MySQLContainer<>("mysql:latest");

    private JobLauncherTestUtils launcher;

    private JdbcTemplate jdbc;

    @DisplayName("Given the username Elwyn.Skiles and Maxime_Nienow are skipped, When job is executed, Then users are not inserted into database")
    void findAll() {

        await().atMost(10, SECONDS).untilAsserted(() -> {
            var execution = launcher.launchJob();

        var users = jdbc.query("SELECT * FROM users", (rs, rowNum) ->
                new User(rs.getLong("id"), rs.getString("name"), rs.getString("username"))

        assertThat(users).extracting("username").doesNotContain("Elwyn.Skiles", "Maxime_Nienow");


By executing our tests in, we will see that all users are processed except Elwyn.Skiles and Maxime_Nienow.